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Make a Lasting Impact – Establish a College Scholarship through the Community Scholarship Fund!

Happy College Student

At the 2022 Empowerment Dinner, ULP was proud to award over $141,000 to 58 students.

Education is the bedrock of economic and social success, and the one true road to empowerment. By offering scholarships to deserving high school seniors, the ULP fulfills the organization’s ultimate goal of creating self-sufficient members of the community.

Commit Your Scholarship Donation Today!

Considering the increasing need and to deepen the impact of our program, we are now endeavoring to provide (at minimum) $5,000 per scholar. Providing a $5,000 scholarship to qualifying students can make a significant difference in their educational journey. It shows a strong commitment to supporting students in need and can help alleviate some of the financial burdens they face. 

Your contribution would have a direct and immediate effect, allowing us to increase the size of the scholarships awarded each year. With your partnership, we can make college and/or post-secondary education accessible.

Student in Library

Explore Our Scholarship Levels

$10,000 + Champion of Change 

Provides financial support for two deserving students for their first year of college. 

  • Naming rights  

  • Receive annual updates on the students your scholarship supports, including their progress, achievements, and personal stories 

  • Receive a personal thank you letter from scholarship recipients 

  • An invitation and four free tickets to the Urban League Annual Gala to meet your scholars during our annual donor appreciation event 

  • Recognized on Annual Report and all digital platforms, email, website, event programs 

  • Scholarship Report: A detailed year-end impact report highlighting student retention, academic achievements, and programming milestones 

  • Exclusive Video Update: A personalized video message from scholarship recipients sharing their gratitude and explaining how the scholarship has impacted their education and future goals 

$5,000 + Legacy of Learning   

Provides financial support to one deserving student for their first year of college  

  • Naming rights  

  • Receive annual updates on the student your scholarship supports, including their progress, achievements, and personal stories 

  • Receive a personal thank you letter from scholarship recipient 

  • An invitation and two free tickets to the Urban League Annual Gala to meet your scholar during our annual donor appreciation event 

  • Recognized on Annual Report and all digital platforms, email, website, event programs 

$2,500 + Community Impact   
  • Covers tuition, fees, or educational materials for one student for one semester 

  • Receive a personal thank you letter from scholarship recipient 

  • An invitation and free ticket to the Urban League Annual Gala to meet your scholar during our annual donor appreciation event 

  • Recognized on Annual Report and highlighted in marketing materials 

Image by LinkedIn Sales Solutions
$1,000 + Future Leaders 

Provides the cost of textbooks, course materials and technology necessary for academic success 

  • Receive a personal thank you letter from scholarship recipient 

  • An invitation to the Urban League Annual Gala to meet your scholar during our annual donor appreciation event 

  • Recognized in marketing materials 

$500 + Achievement Award 

Provides critical support for educational expenses  

  • Receive a personal thank you letter from scholarship recipient 

Celebrating Graduation Day

Community Scholarship Fund Commitment Form

Basic Donor Information

Commitment Information 

I/We hereby commit to supporting the Urban League of Philadelphia's Community Scholarship Fund by making a financial contribution in the amount of:
$10,000 Champion of Change
$5,000 Legacy of Learning
$1,000 Future Leaders
$500 Achievement Award

Payment Method 

Recognition/Acknowledgements Preferences 

We would love to acknowledge your generosity. Please indicate how you would like to be recognized: 

By signing below, I/we agree to the terms of this commitment and pledge the amount stated above to the Urban League of Philadelphia's Community Scholarship Fund. 

If you are donating online please confirm your donation amount
Date and time
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