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Stabilizing returning citizens through job training and employment opportunities, intensive case management, and peer-to-peer supportive services. 


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Summary of PH3 Grant Activities

The Urban League of Philadelphia continues to provide Pre-release programming to both men and women housed in the Philadelphia Prison systems. The current facilities we are engaged with Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center (PICC), Riverside Correctional Facility (RCF) and Curram-Fromhold Correctional Facility (CFCF), all located on State Road in the Northeast section of Philadelphia. The curriculum mainly focuses on dealing with trauma informed practices and then incorporates teaching the hard and soft skills (relationship management) that will benefit them when going for an interview, repairing family relationships, working within a team and managing their time wisely. At this time we currently have three cohorts in session. Cohort 1 – 15 men at CFCF; Cohort 2 – 12 men at PICC; Cohort 3 – 15 women at CFCF.



During the 3-year grant period we are to serve 100 individuals with at least 60% successfully completing the program.

Progress Toward Grant Goals

We continue to have a great working relationship with the Philadelphia Jail System and the Administration. In addition to having weekly meetings with the Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Terrel Bagby, we have been working directly with the prison counselors who oversee ensuring the participating men and women are placed on the “call-out system” and report to the classes on the assigned days. Also, the counselors have been most helpful insuring the participants receive copies and any other additional information highlighting the focus of the class sessions.


We are on pace to meet (and hopefully exceed) our grant goals and have been taking our time to ensure we are giving quality information, time and assistance to those participating in PH3.

Working from Home

Funded By Aramark and The Department of Labor

Construction Portrait

Brian S. has been in and out of the prison system since age 15...and now he is 31 years old. Generally, he spends his time in the Restricted Housing Unit (RHU) for breaking the institution rules and/or getting into fights. He stated that this is the first time he ever paused and thought about the consequences of caving in to his frustrations and thoughts.


“This class gives me a reason to think. This class gives me hope because you guys really care and I don’t want to miss a session because I am in the RHU.”


- Brian S. Pathways Home participant

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A Philadelphia ReEntry Jobs Program

Out4Good is a 4-week initiative designed to facilitate the successful reintegration of individuals with prior criminal records into society's economic and social fabric. The program seeks to achieve this objective by providing participants with comprehensive job training, access to employment opportunities, individualized case management, and peer-to-peer supportive services. Through this holistic approach, Out4Good aims to enable citizens with criminal backgrounds to stabilize their lives and secure long-term success in their careers and personal lives.

Our Holistic Approach to ReEntry Programming


Cognitive Behavioral Health

reduces recidivism in both juveniles and adults. Participants improve their social skills, means-ends problem solving, critical reasoning, moral reasoning, cognitive style, self-control, impulse management and self-efficacy.


Development and Implementation of Effective Practices and Program Model Strategies.

We focus on trauma-informed practices. In this open class forum, we address, speak on and navigate through the various triggers that prevent these men and women from succeeding in society and regressing to self-defeating behaviors. We have learned that breaking down these barriers, specifically, battling these physical and/or mental demons allows us to better focus on the possibilities of a better future rather than focus on the negatives of our past and view of what the future could become. Of course, some will receive more attention than others because of their release dates; however, as stated in our PH3 Grant Memorandum, upon their release from prison, they will be enrolled in our reentry program, OUT4GOOD to complete their training and support. Currently there are 26 men and two women in the post–release program, OUT4GOOD.

Working with Laptop at Home
Working with Laptop at Home

Significant Activities, Accomplishments, and Success Stories.


Partnering with Gaudenzia is a huge win for the PH3 program as drugs, here in Philadelphia are huge factors in these men and women going to prison and more importantly, being unable to remain out of the criminal justice system. We are beginning to see more participants getting released and it is even more vital that we secure more employer partners to ensure these men get the training and opportunity to secure a family sustaining wage career.


Help Create Pathways For Women Like Michelle

Michelle P was released early from PICC by her Judge to attend in-patient drug treatment for 30 days. I waited for her at the drug facility and was inside when the sheriffs dropped her off. The sheriffs drove away. I walked outside, waved to her, she waved back, hopped into a car and drove away! For the past three weeks, I have been speaking with Michelle, trying to convince her to return to treatment but she will not tell me her address and it is evident that she is using crack cocaine again.



Her Judge, instead of putting a warrant out for her arrest, has given me until June 14th to get her into treatment because if “Urban League can’t help her, she needs to go back to prison”. I understand that we can’t help everyone, but I need to help Michelle. To hear her plead for help yet be so consumed by the drugs  is heartbreaking. We need to find a pathway home for Michelle.



-Dennis Nicholson

Urban League of Philadelphia


"I wish that I could say we are providing all these men and women with readily available job opportunities; however, that is one area in which we need to grow. The time it takes to find, develop and establish relationships with potential employers leaves too much idle time for the clients we serve."


-Dennis Nicholson

Urban League of Philadelphia


Serving women through this program has revealed that they need far more attention than men.


Substance abuse, relationship abuse, image abuse, children, lack of parenting skills, homelessness, trauma of all forms. I need help to assist them in moving forward.


-Dennis Nicholson

Urban League of Philadelphia


Contact Our Re-Entry Team


Support ReEntry Services at the Urban League 

Supporting individuals as they transition from incarceration back into society is critical to Black and Brown families suffering through the prison injustice system.


Our ReEntry Services play a vital role in breaking the cycle of recidivism and empowering individuals to build brighter futures. However, we cannot do this important work alone. Your support is critical in ensuring that we can continue to provide comprehensive resources and opportunities to those seeking to reintegrate into their communities.


Why Support ReEntry Services?


Breaking the Cycle: Recidivism rates remain a significant challenge in our society. By supporting ReEntry Services, you contribute directly to breaking this cycle by providing individuals with the tools, support, and resources they need to successfully reenter society and lead productive lives.


Empowering Individuals: Our ReEntry Services focus on holistic support, addressing not only practical needs such as housing and employment but also providing counseling, education, and mentorship. Your support empowers individuals to overcome barriers and realize their full potential.


Strengthening Communities: Successful reintegration benefits not only the individuals involved but also their families and communities. By reducing recidivism rates, we contribute to safer and more vibrant communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.


Cost Savings: Investing in ReEntry Services is not only a compassionate choice but also a smart one economically. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in reentry programs yields significant savings by reducing future incarceration costs.

Make a donation

Ready to make a difference? Join us in our ReEntry fundraising campaign and be a catalyst for change in the lives of individuals seeking to rebuild their lives. Your contribution, no matter the size, has the power to make a lasting impact and create positive change in our communities. Together, we can break barriers, transform lives, and build a brighter future for all.
Thank you for your support in advance.


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